
Dharma Talks by Vanessa Zuisei Goddard

Great Doubt: The Three Essentials of Zen

upset baby face: zen and doubt

Photo by Janay Peters

Great Doubt is one of the Three Essentials of Zen practice. But here, doubt is neither cynicism nor pessimism, but rather a deep commitment to the ongoing investigation of a human life.

In this dharma talk, Zuisei explores Great Doubt, as well as the ways in which the cultivation of this quality leads us to a deeper understanding of the way things are. Great Doubt asks the questions: What if I’m not who I think I am? What am I? Who am I? What is life for? What is its purpose? Why am I here? Facing these questions and finding answers that will give us true, long-lasting satisfaction is the purview of the spiritual life.

This talk was given by Zuisei Goddard.