
• Women in Practice with Vanessa Zuisei Goddard


Women In Practice

First Saturdays of the Month, 12 pm - 2 pm EST
This peer-led group meets for two hours on the first Saturday of the month. We begin with thirty minutes of zazen and then take turns facilitating, bringing short readings to use as springboards for our discussion. Because many of us are Buddhist practitioners, much of the language we use around practice revolves around the teachings of this tradition, but this isn’t exclusively a Buddhist group, and all women practitioners are warmly welcome.

Together we want to acknowledge, investigate, and address the issues that come up based on our particular experience of life and practice as women, as well as identify the obstacles that may get in the way of our liberation.

There is no cost for this program. We look forward to sitting with you.

*Banner photo by Shu Lei


Cost: Free

Your generous dana supports the operations of the Ocean Mind Sangha and makes it possible for us to offer event scholarships to those who need them.